Where to Find us?

We are selling at the following markets every week!!
Queen Anne Farmers Market Thursdays 3-7pm (Starting In June)
Capitol Hill Farmers Market Sunday 11-3
Queen Anne Farmers Market Thursdays 3-7pm (Starting In June)
Capitol Hill Farmers Market Sunday 11-3
How-to Roast Best Tasting Chicken!
We raise chickens for flavor! We promise you'll notice the difference in taste between our birds and a supermarket chicken. Because most commercial chicken is grown in less then 7 weeks, and we feel flavor only starts to develop after 10. So we pasture-raise them for at least 12 weeks in large open-air paddocks. Each paddock gives the birds plenty of room (14,000 sqft for 200 birds!) where they scratch for roots and chase moths around. These two factors; proper growing time, and natural lifestyle give our birds an outstanding flavor and texture.
So this is how we enjoy a Slow-Grown Skinny Kitty Farms Chicken
So this is how we enjoy a Slow-Grown Skinny Kitty Farms Chicken
- Preheat Oven to 325
- Generously coat bird with oil and herb mixture (we sell a great herb mix for these birds)
- Use either a dutch oven with lid, or a roasting pan with a tin-foil tent over the bird- This will even the heat around it and keep the ends of the drumsticks from burning.
- Begin cooking and check the internal temperature of the bird every 20-30 min. This will give you an idea of how long it will take to cook, as well as give you a chance to turn the bird around so it cooks evenly.
- You can boost the heat to 375 if it's going slowly
- Once the internal temp reaches 140deg, remove the lid/ tent and crank the oven to 400. This will finish off the cooking and crisp up the skin nicely!
- Remove once the juices are no longer pink or the internal reaches a temp your comfortable with (we take it out around 145-150)
- Let rest for at LEAST 20 min before carving up.
- We recommend eating the breast meat that day and pulling the rest of the meat off the bones once it's cooled. This gives you meat for the week, and a carcass to make stock with.